Sunday, March 29, 2009

Milton Friedman vs. Phil Donohue

If you don't recall him, Phil Donohue was one of the TV blowhards from the past.

Here the great economist Milton Friedman explains why free markets and free trade produce the good life for the most people. This clip should be required watching for all the Congresscritters. Not that it would change their self-interested habit of passing economically-destructive legislation because it appeals to the economically-ignorant. But we can hope.

Watch this and pass it on.


  1. Great, great video! Thanks for sharing. If only the millions of mindless minions could see this and realize where we are headed.

  2. Milton Friedman's remarks in this video barely scratched the surface of his brilliant mind. Nevertheless, I'm afraid those mindless minions are not capable of comprehending the "crystal clear evidence of history" he refers to concerning capitalism's successes and all other systems known to man that have failed miserably. The mindless minions are all still hoping for free lunch. And our cynical leaders continue to promise them just that.

  3. Interesting that Phil Donahue, despite being accurately educated by the great Milton Friedman, still doesnt get it. He still believes America is evil and anyone (other than him) who makes real money owes it to the poor. But, ahh, now he's changed his tune. Now its Bush who is the bad guy for "invading a country that did nothing to America" and Obama is the good guy despite this new war in Afganistan that will cost more to wage than all of Iraq. Now to be known as Obama's War.

  4. We are letting celebrities run this country into the ground where millions of patriots have been buried to preserve the last best hope of humanity.

  5. Thanks for my freedom, Marine.
