Friday, January 22, 2021


 Note how the title as "Genocide" in quotes, which is normally the way you imply inaccurate use of a term.  Yet in the text the actual discussion make it plain that this has been under discussion for a long time and was in fact overdue.  In the NYTimes of course this is described only as a nasty trick to make life more difficult for Biden.  That it's valid and has been for a long time is immaterial, it's really only slimy politics on the part of Trump.  Well too damn bad, it's the truth and everyone knows it, and it was high time for it to be called out.  How Biden is going to deal with China, now so clearly demonstrated to be our enemy, and the cause of so much damage through their incompetence and dishonesty in handling the virus, is one of the major questions.  We'll see, but don't be surprised if it's not exactly aggressive or effective.


Trump Administration Accuses China of “Genocide” on Its Last Day in Office

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