Friday, January 25, 2019


SECRET KREMLIN DOCUMENTS TELL A STORY HARDLY ANYONE KNOWS. Vladimir Bukovsky's book exposes the Soviet regime's collaboration with our own political class. By Michael Ledeen
Excerpt: I will never forget the day Vladimir Bukovsky, the celebrated Soviet dissident, walked unsteadily across a bridge to freedom, having been swapped with the head of the Chilean Communist Party. He was one of my heroes, and became a friend while studying psychology at Stanford University. He spent years in the Gulag, but the KGB was unable to break him, and his first book, To Build a Castle, will long remain one of the classic testimonies to the evils of Soviet Communism. When the Soviet Empire fell, in part as the result of Bukovsky’s tireless efforts to destroy Communism, many of us hoped it would be possible to get our hands and minds on the Kremlin’s archives, but there were endless bureaucratic hurdles, some of them shamefully on our side of the great divide. In the end, many of these were overcome by a handful of private citizens. A group of us bought a laptop computer and a scanner, taught Bukovsky how to use them, and off he went to Moscow. For a brief period, the Soviet archives, even the secret ones, were accessible to investigators, and we thought Bukovsky might well be able to get his electronic hands on the documentary history of Soviet Communism, one of the most malevolent forces in twentieth-century history. We hoped that the Soviet documents would enable our citizens to understand what had really happened in the Cold War, and help us frame a more realistic foreign policy in the future. Moreover, we and Bukovsky wanted to stage a trial of the Communists, along the lines of the Nuremburg trials of the Nazi leaders after World War II. (The unfortunate sequel is that our elites admire and pursue socialism. Ignoring the gulag, purges and Cuba-Venezuela, they are educating the upcoming generations accordingly. Yours truly, Larry Greenberg) 

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