Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Kavanaugh Confirmation: What We’ve Learned One Year Later

The Kavanaugh Confirmation: What We’ve Learned One Year Later
Excerpt: Looking at the available evidence one year after the bitterly partisan hearings, it is fair to say that Kavanaugh’s confirmation was actually a victory for truth over tribalism. The key witness, Leland Keyser, is a Democrat who owns a podcast with her ex-husband Bob Beckel, the veteran Democratic commentator and campaign official. She chose to tell the full truth as she saw it rather than win at any cost. [This is the first mention I’ve heard of Keyser’s political activity in print or from any other source (I don’t get out much, so that may only mean I’m under-informed). What an amazing display of integrity and respect for the truth! I almost wish she’d run for office somewhere I could vote for her. I could live with a Democrat with that kind of honesty in office. This summary of events and what has since come to light may open some eyes. Ron P.]

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