Saturday, October 26, 2019

Are Some Cultures Better than Others?

Are Some Cultures Better than Others?
This video really strikes me as worthwhile. Cultures are different and all of them can have features that enrich the lives of those in them, and other features that narrow and even damage those lives. They may have their own moral systems that we don't like, and customs we find strange, but we can't be too quick to assume our superiority and get judgmental about them. Yet there certainly can be, have been, and are cultures that have aspects that we can reasonably find very unattractive, a primary example being ones where women are very much second class citizens, almost slaves to the males in their lives. Saying that all cultures are essentially equal in all values is a bit silly. If that were true, why in hell would so many people be fleeing their native countries to get to the West? And the tearing down of Western culture for its imperfections is again silly, it's throwing out the baby with the bath water. I think a lot of young Americans should see this and have to think about it. --Del. Saying that all cultures are equal is not just silly. it's a pernicious, harmful lie. ~Bob

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