Wednesday, October 9, 2019

2 + 2 = 5: Now math slammed as 'racist,' 'western'

2 + 2 = 5: Now math slammed as 'racist,' 'western'
So now 2+2=4 is part of racist, Western oppression? (But maybe algebra will be OK, since an Arab Muslim developed it, and maybe it'll be OK to keep using Arabic numerals?) When you get down to the included table of the ethic studies framework, look it over, and see the really neat questions, like "who holds power in the math classroom?" and "can you identify and name oppressive mathematical practices?". Apparently nothing positive EVER came from Western civilization, and certainly nothing really positive from dead White men. Where in heaven's name do the people come from who make this stuff up, who have college degrees, some of them PhDs, who actually exist in a real world but don't seem to understand underlying reality. The math that makes balance sheets work, the advanced math that lets durable bridges be designed and built, the super advanced math that lets us send little machines out to fly by outer planets, all of this has total zero to do with the color of the skin or the gender or the religion or the language spoken by those who develop and apply mathematics. This campaign to force "social justice" concerns into every single facet of education, in biased and ridiculous ways, is seriously dangerous to the long term good of our society, and needs to be rejected violently. -Del. "Arabic" numerals were invented by the Hindus, 'culturally appropriated" by the Arabs. ~Bob

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