Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Charlottesville Lie

The Charlottesville Lie
The persistent and by now ubiquitous lie that President Trump is a racist and supports white supremacists stems from journalistic malfeasance that is inexcusable but so common today. The repetition of this trope is so pervasive that anyone who is inclined not to like Mr. Trump for any reason by now has the justification for unwavering confirmation bias. The linked piece (offered by a CNN commentator) exposes the lie stemming from the Charlottesville riot. If you share this with anyone who thinks Trump is a white supremacist, do you think this will cause them to rethink their position? It is perfectly fine to oppose Trump for his policies, decisions, his personality and behavior and even his hairdo. You may even resent or condemn what some say is his appeal to a Nixonian "silent majority." However, constantly resorting to accusations of racism, is the nasty tactic of racists of another sort, not only does Trump an injustice, it poisons the body politic to a place from which it will be hard to recover. Yours truly, Larry Greenberg

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