Friday, August 30, 2019

Making a 'Gunlike Hand Gesture' Is a Crime, Pennsylvania Court Rules

Making a 'Gunlike Hand Gesture' Is a Crime, Pennsylvania Court Rules
Let's see, burning the flag, and actual physical action involving objects, is OK, it's freedom of speech. Flying a Nazi flag or a hammer&sickle flag is also OK, same reason. Screaming at your neighbor that they are an idiot and you hope they get hit by a meteor is likewise OK, and of course, giving the not just the finger, but for emphasis, the double finger, is still fine. But shape your finger to a pistol outline and that's disorderly conduct, even though it wasn't a public place with a crowd, and lasted for a few seconds. I can only say... WOW, WTF!!! I suppose doing the old "evil eye" gesture will get you taken away as well, maybe spitting on the ground in the other person's general direction, and certainly "mooning" them would do it. But they can do the double finger salute, see, that's not really upsetting or mean or anything like that. Feeling confused? Me too. Apparently it all depends on the mindset of the judge, although assumption of a mind may be hazardous. We are indeed living in a time when craziness is the new normal --Del

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