Friday, July 26, 2019

Cuba, the Healthcare Darling of the International Left, Is Running Out of Medicine

Cuba, the Healthcare Darling of the International Left, Is Running Out of Medicine
Excerpt: The shortage is part of a larger economic crisis on the island that has forced Cubans to stand on lines for hours to buy basic goods like chicken, cooking oil, and flour. Cuba’s repressive communist regime controls the nation’s dilapidated healthcare system, which invests heavily in sending doctors abroad on what survivors of the system call slave missions in exchange for lucrative contracts that fuel the central government in Havana. The Cuban slave doctor system – which provides healthcare throughout Latin America, Africa, and Asia – also functions as a propaganda campaign, successfully earning the praise of global institutions and leftist American celebrities. At home, the Cuban regime actively manipulates health statistics to make the communist system appear more successful than it is. Cuba’s communist economy is by its nature parasitic, unable to function without fueling itself off of the riches of a host. In the 1990s, its original host, the Soviet Union, collapsed, leaving Cubans with little access to food and basic goods. (Comming soon to a socialist USA. ~Bob)

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