Saturday, February 23, 2019

LA news anchor died from meth overdose during sexual encounter at hotel, autopsy reveals

LA news anchor died from meth overdose during sexual encounter at hotel, autopsy reveals
The last sentence will get you. --Barb

OK, every time I let myself get lulled into the feeling that I've seen all the craziness possible, along comes the next story that leaves me gasping and wondering if in fact the End Times are on their way.  The link takes you to the whole story about this guy dying of drug overdose in a motel while in some kind of gay orgy, but I've extracted two sets of details, one about the drugs he took.  As you probably know, amyl nitrate is a super stimulant meant to help people in certain medical emergencies, it's like when you inject nitro into your car's gas line and the engine goes nuts.  That's what it does to the body, and is meant in these cases to give you an orgasm where the top of your head blows off and punches a hole in the ceiling.  Having a bunch of meth up your butt is another incredible refinement into pushing your body past all human limits.  Here the double effect made his last orgasm.... his last.
And he was married with a kid???  And now his wife and kid get to know that he was a total nutcase gay sex maniac who managed to kill himself?  I am sorry to say I don't give a damn about him dying, but I feel very badly for the woman and her daughter.
I am thinking more and more of heading to distant mountains, supplying a cabin in someplace near impossible to reach, with no internet, no cell service, just lots of books and DVDs.  Or maybe joining the vet expats in Thailand, they keep telling me it's great there and you don't have to get phone service or internet.  Hmmm...


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