Monday, September 5, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Mind-Boggling FBI Interview – What Was Cheryl Mills Doing There?

Hillary Clinton’s Mind-Boggling FBI Interview – What Was Cheryl Mills Doing There?
Excerpt: Among the most eye-popping claims Clinton made to the FBI was that she was unfamiliar with the markings on classified documents. Yes, you read that correctly: one of the highest ranking national security officials in the United States government – an official whose day-to-day responsibilities extensively involved classified information; who had secure facilities installed in her two homes (in addition to her office) so she could review classified information in them; and who acknowledged to the FBI that, as secretary of state, she was designated by the president as “an Original Classification Authority,” meaning she had the power to determine what information should be classified and at what level – had the audacity to tell the interviewing agents that she did not know what the different classification symbols in classified documents signified.

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