Monday, August 1, 2016

Restoring the Water Table

Restoring the Water Table

“I feel your pain and rejection of lucid thoughtful response that may appear ‘different’ to others. I once sent forth the proposition, proven mathematically and scientifically regarding the replenishment of the USA water table by the simple action of all males uriniating once each day outside (grater benefits with more, but I looked only at the lower value). It is a proven fact that urine is filtered by passing through 3 feet of sand, all impurities removed and ‘drinkable.’ Calculating the amount of males in the U.S., multiplied by the proven ounces of urine contained in a normal daily pee, converted into gallons, I showed an astounding amount of replenishment of the water table throughout the USA! In fact, more was going in than was being taken out!... I too was ignored but I have not given up since I have always while working outdoors, refused to enter my home for a toilet pee call, but continued to help save the natural resources of our nation!” -- Marine JP Tristani.

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